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Tuwhare Trustees

Jeanette Wikaira, Trust Chair (Nga­puhi, Ngati Puken­ga, Ngati Tamatera)

Jeanette is Otepoti based and has been on the Tuwhare Trust for over a decade. Jeanette brings to the Trust a wealth of Board expe­ri­ence; strong iwi rela­tion­ships and a strong net­work of con­nec­tions across the lit­er­ary and arts sec­tors in Otepoti and Aotearoa. She has exec­u­tive lev­el strate­gic lead­er­ship expe­ri­ence togeth­er with work expe­ri­ence in the arts and cul­tur­al her­itage sec­tors. Jeanette first met Hone in the 1970s when he vis­it­ed her pri­ma­ry school. Local­ly based in Otepoti, Jeanette pro­vides man­aa­ki to manuhiri vis­it­ing the Crib.

Robert Tuwhare, Trustee (Nga­puhi, Scottish)

Rob is based in Tama­ki Makau­rau and has been on the Tuwhare Trust since its incep­tion in 2010. Rob is the son of Hone Tuwhare and is the lit­er­ary execu­tor and whanau rep­re­sen­ta­tive on the Trust.  A car­pen­ter by trade, he was the dri­ving force behind the restora­tion of the Tuwhare Crib in Kaka Point. He is a writer and musi­cian and is deeply con­nect­ed to the lit­er­ary and arts com­mu­ni­ty across Aotearoa. Rob holds the whaka­pa­pa con­nec­tion between the work of the Trust and the Tuwhare whanau.

Stan Scott, Trustee

Stan is based in Turan­ga Nui a Kiwa (Gis­borne) and has been on the Tuwhare Trust for over a decade. He is a licensed builder and has spent most of his career ren­o­vat­ing and restor­ing vil­las, bun­ga­lows and his­toric build­ings. Stan works with Mitre 10 deliv­er­ing the nation­al Mitre 10 DIY pro­gramme.  He project-man­aged and led the work of the restora­tion of the Tuwhare crib and brings to the Trust build­ing and busi­ness expe­ri­ence and a net­work of busi­ness rela­tion­ships across Aotearoa. Stan dis­cov­ered Hone’s work at school and pub­lished his own book of poet­ry at age 17.

Mark Mck­eev­er, Trustee

Mark is local­ly based in Kaka Point and has been on the Trust since 2020. Mark is an Engi­neer by trade and works and lives with his whanau in Kaka Point. He is a respect­ed mem­ber of the local com­mu­ni­ty and sits on the Board of the local pri­ma­ry school. Mark brings to the Trust the day-to-day oper­a­tional over­sight of the Tuwhare crib and main­tains the Trust’s close con­nec­tion to the Kaka Point com­mu­ni­ty. Mark also has the impor­tant role of pro­vid­ing man­aa­ki to manuhiri vis­it­ing the Crib.

Mary Wells, Trustee

Mary is based in Tama­ki Makau­rau and has been involved with the Trust since its incep­tion in 2010 and as a Trustee since 2020. Mary is a Direc­tor of Taku­tai Ltd; Taku­tai gen­er­ous­ly assist­ed with the ini­tial pur­chase of the Tuwhare crib. Mary and her hus­band Peter have been long term com­mit­ted sup­port­ers of the Tuwhare Trust. As Trust admin­is­tra­tor, Mary brings to the Trust a life­time of busi­ness admin­is­tra­tion expe­ri­ence and a phil­an­thropic com­mit­ment to sup­port­ing the well­be­ing of com­mu­ni­ties through­out Aotearoa.

Governor-General, Dame Cindy Kiro — Patron of the Tuwhare Trust

Dame Cindy Kiro (Nga­puhi, Ngati Hine, Ngati Kahu) began her five-year term as Gov­er­nor Gen­er­al of New Zealand on 21 Octo­ber 2021 (Hone Tuwhare’s birth­day). The Tuwhare Trust is very priv­i­leged to have Dame Cindy Kiro as our Patron.

Dame Alcyion Cyn­thia (Cindy) Kiro was born in Whangarei, North­land, in 1958, the eldest of six chil­dren. She is of Nga­puhi, Ngati Hine and Ngati Kahu descent. Pri­or to tak­ing up her role as Gov­er­nor-Gen­er­al, Dame Cindy was Chief Exec­u­tive of the Roy­al Soci­ety Te Aparan­gi.   Dame Cindy was appoint­ed as a Dame Com­pan­ion of the New Zealand Order of Mer­it (DNZM) for ser­vices to child well­be­ing and edu­ca­tion on the New Year 2021 Hon­ours List. Dame Cindy is the first Maori woman to be appoint­ed as Governor-General.

Previous patrons

2017–2021, Dame Pat­sy Red­dy, Gov­er­nor Gen­er­al of New Zealand

2012–2016, Lieu­tenant Gen­er­al The Right Hon Sir Jer­ry Mateparae GNZM QSO, Gov­er­nor Gen­er­al of New Zealand

2010–2011, Found­ing Patron — Sir Paul Reeves (1932 — 2011)


Top Pho­to: Hone’s Crib and Trust Mem­bers, Kaka Point Octo­ber 2019.

Below Pho­to: Edward Elli­son, Sir Jer­ry Mateparae, Jeanette Wikaira, Rob Tuwhare, Kaka Point Octo­ber 2014.

Reign Again

Nei­ther juggernaught
nor crawl­ing thing

can bring
a moun­tain weeping
to its knees
quick­er than rain

that demure leveller

mak­er of plains