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Amazing Spaces’ George Clarke Visits Hone’s crib in Kaka Point.

By February 26, 2017October 31st, 2024News

Tuwhare Trustee Stan Scott was on loca­tion in the South Island with pre­sen­ter George Clark last week. The star of Restora­tion Man and George Clarke’s Amaz­ing Spaces is in New Zealand film­ing an online series with Mitre 10 about New Zealan­ders get­ting cre­ative in liv­ing spaces with a can-do kiwi atti­tude. Tuwhare Trustees Stan Scott and Rob Tuwhare took George to vis­it Hone’s crib in Kaka Point.

Clark was blown away by his vis­it to Hone’s crib say­ing, ‘It’s incred­i­ble that Hone wrote so many amaz­ing poems in a tiny space, you can tell he was anchored to the land­scape in his writ­ings, inspired by being close to the sea and see­ing the starts at night. Hone’s crib makes you realise that small space projects aren’t just about the archi­tec­ture or the build­ing.’ Clark recit­ed Hone Tuwhare poet­ry at the crib, say­ing it was a high­light of his time in the South Island.

Clark is in Aotearoa, film­ing sto­ries about Kiwis doing amaz­ing things in small spaces. His sto­ries will be shown on Mitre 10’s online TV chan­nel. Mitre 10 is part­ner­ing with the Hone Tuwhare Char­i­ta­ble Trust in the restora­tion of Hone’s crib at Kaka Point.