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Tuwhare Trust

Welcoming the Kaka Point Community to the Tuwhare Crib

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The Tuwhare Trust opened the crib to the Kaka Point Com­mu­ni­ty this last week­end as a fundrais­er for the local Rom­a­ha­pa School. We wel­comed manuhiri through­out the day who came to have a look through the ful­ly restored Tuwhare crib, learn about our restora­tion jour­ney and hang out with us on the back lawn, eat, drink and share sto­ries about Hone Tuwhare and his life in Kaka Point. A beau­ti­ful kau­pa­pa on a stun­ning Kaka Point day and an ear­ly hari huri tau for Hone on his 102nd birth­day today, Octo­ber 21. Arohanui.


We farewell our friend, Selwyn Muru.

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The Hone Tuwhare Trust has been deeply sad­dened by the pass­ing of Sel­wyn Muru and offer our love to the wh?nau and these words of love to our friend.
Sel­wyn had an enor­mous empa­thy for peo­ple of all walks of life and in all human sit­u­a­tions. Joy and anguish, love and hate, tears and laugh­ter. He had a per­son­al­i­ty with­out reserve and led a life sam­pled in all its para­dox­es. In a 1984 inter­view with Kate­ri­na Mataira, Sel­wyn expressed that “art should cov­er the whole spec­trum of human expe­ri­ence. It should reflect at one extreme the pain and anguish of peo­ple and pur­sue every mood they feel right through to their capac­i­ty for fun and friv­o­li­ty”. He was an artist in all ways, his res­o­nant voice was tuned to waia­ta, whaiko­rero and dra­mat­ic per­for­mance. Musi­cal instru­ments were explored with com­fort­able aban­don, and he com­posed songs, plays and poet­ry. But it was his cre­ative tal­ent in the visu­al arts where he made his strongest state­ments about life. Hone Tuwhare and Sel­wyn Muru were con­tem­po­raries, mates, north­ern rela­tions, hoa aro­ha. One of Selwyn’s well known and loved works is his waharoa in Aotea Square in Tama­ki Makau­rau, which fea­tures one of Hone’s well known and loved Haiku poems. Tuwhare’s Haiku was both a trib­ute to his friend Sel­wyn and a ref­er­ence to the Horotiu awa that once ran through the mid­dle of the city.
Trav­el well e Muru­paen­ga. Your work pro­voked tears and laugh­ter, you are a con­tin­u­ing source of inspi­ra­tion and your con­tri­bu­tion to the world is a taon­ga for us all. Laugh again e hoa.  Aro­hanui, The Hone Tuwhare Trust.


The Tuwhare Trust and the Dunedin Writers and Readers Festival Trust — New Partnership.

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The Tuwhare Trust in part­ner­ship with the Dunedin Writ­ers and Read­ers Fes­ti­val Trust pre­sent­ed the DEEP RIVER TALK poet­ry series as part of the 2023 Festival.
Over three events we deliv­ered a cel­e­bra­tion of Hone’s 100th year with a poet­ry nod to Hone’s crib at Kaka Point, a stonk­ing polit­i­cal poet­ry night at the pub & a poet­ry hari huri tau for Aotearoa’s Poet Lau­re­ate, Chris Tse.
Deep Riv­er Talk brought togeth­er poets from across Aotearoa and across gen­er­a­tions. Those who attend­ed expe­ri­enced some of our finest poets & some of our newest voic­es. Deep Riv­er Talk deliv­ered fresh, seer­ing, acti­vat­ed & reflec­tive poetry.
Keep an eye out for the 2025 Dunedin Writ­ers and Read­ers Fes­ti­val, we will be back to pro­vide you with anoth­er banger of a poet­ry weekend.
Nga mihi mahana.


Tuwhare Crib at Kaka Point launched with a celebration and the inaugural Tuwhare Residency recipients announced.

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The Tuwhare Trust is proud to announce Tame Iti, Tracey Tawhiao and Ati Teepa as recip­i­ents of the inau­gur­al Tuwhare Cre­ative Res­i­den­cy at Kaka Point.

The open­ing of Hone’s crib at Kaka Point on Octo­ber 21, 2022, marked the 100th Birth­day of Hone Tuwhare. It also marked the begin­ning of an excit­ing future for the Tuwhare Trust as we embarked on the next chap­ter of our jour­ney to cel­e­brate the Hone Tuwhare lega­cy through the Tuwhare Res­i­den­cy programme.

The first res­i­den­cy the Trust has devel­oped as part of our res­i­den­cy pro­gramme is the Tuwhare Cre­ative Res­i­den­cy, it is the first res­i­den­cy to be devel­oped in Aotearoa in the home and name of a Maori writer and artist.

Tuwhare Trust Chair, Jeanette Wikaira says “as the inau­gur­al Tuwhare cre­ative res­i­dents, a Tame Iti, Tracey Tawhiao and Ati Teepa col­lab­o­ra­tion brings togeth­er inter­gen­er­a­tional, mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary, expe­ri­enced, and high­ly cre­ative like minds. Tame, Tracey and Ati have col­lab­o­rat­ed over many years, they draw deeply from the Maori world, bring­ing togeth­er the poet­ics of Maori think­ing with polit­i­cal­ly sear­ing insight”.

The Tuwhare Trust is hon­oured to award Tame, Tracey and Ati this spe­cial inau­gur­al res­i­den­cy and sup­port their work in Hone’s home at Kaka Point, to bring indige­nous sto­ry­telling to the world.

Nga mihi mahana.