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Tuwhare Crib at Kaka Point launched with a celebration and the inaugural Tuwhare Residency recipients announced.

By October 31, 2022October 21st, 2024News

The Tuwhare Trust is proud to announce Tame Iti, Tracey Tawhiao and Ati Teepa as recip­i­ents of the inau­gur­al Tuwhare Cre­ative Res­i­den­cy at Kaka Point.

The open­ing of Hone’s crib at Kaka Point on Octo­ber 21, 2022, marked the 100th Birth­day of Hone Tuwhare. It also marked the begin­ning of an excit­ing future for the Tuwhare Trust as we embarked on the next chap­ter of our jour­ney to cel­e­brate the Hone Tuwhare lega­cy through the Tuwhare Res­i­den­cy programme.

The first res­i­den­cy the Trust has devel­oped as part of our res­i­den­cy pro­gramme is the Tuwhare Cre­ative Res­i­den­cy, it is the first res­i­den­cy to be devel­oped in Aotearoa in the home and name of a Maori writer and artist.

Tuwhare Trust Chair, Jeanette Wikaira says “as the inau­gur­al Tuwhare cre­ative res­i­dents, a Tame Iti, Tracey Tawhiao and Ati Teepa col­lab­o­ra­tion brings togeth­er inter­gen­er­a­tional, mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary, expe­ri­enced, and high­ly cre­ative like minds. Tame, Tracey and Ati have col­lab­o­rat­ed over many years, they draw deeply from the Maori world, bring­ing togeth­er the poet­ics of Maori think­ing with polit­i­cal­ly sear­ing insight”.

The Tuwhare Trust is hon­oured to award Tame, Tracey and Ati this spe­cial inau­gur­al res­i­den­cy and sup­port their work in Hone’s home at Kaka Point, to bring indige­nous sto­ry­telling to the world.

Nga mihi mahana.