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The Inaugural Hone Tuwhare Creative Residency Fellows 2023–2024

By March 11, 2025News

2022 was a big year for the Tuwhare Trust. We com­plet­ed the restora­tion of the crib and launched the inau­gur­al Tuwhare Cre­ative Res­i­den­cy. Our inau­gur­al Tuwhare res­i­den­cy was new, and we took a devel­op­men­tal approach and leapt in boots and all with a big bold deci­sion. To hon­our the lega­cy of Hone Tuwhare, the first res­i­den­cy was held by a col­lec­tive of Maori cre­atives; artist and activist Tame Iti (Ngai Tuhoe, Te Arawa, Waika­to); artist and writer Tracey Tawhiao (Ngai te Ran­gi, Whaka­to­hea, Ngati Tuwhare­toa) and poet and activist Ati Teepa (Tuhoe, Kai Tahu).  Tame, Tracey and Ati have spent time at the crib in Kaka Point over the last 2 years and each, in their own way, have helped us to shape the new­ly devel­oped Tuwhare Res­i­den­cy Pro­gramme that we will launch in 2025. We are so proud to have Tame, Tracey and Ati as our inau­gur­al Tuwhare Fel­lows who will for­ev­er hold this spe­cial pou as part of the whaka­pa­pa of the Tuwhare Res­i­den­cy Pro­gramme. There’s more to come soon and we are excit­ed to share more about the future of the Tuwhare Res­i­den­cy Pro­gramme. Stay tuned. Mau­ri Ora.