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Tuwhare100 — Tribute to Hone Tuwhare on his 100th Birthday at the Dunedin Public Art Gallery.

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On Thurs­day 20 Octo­ber 2022 the Tuwhare Trust and The Dunedin Pub­lic Art Gallery part­nered to pay trib­ute to Hone Tuwhare on the eve of his 100th birth­day. Whanau and friends of Hone Tuwhare came togeth­er for a spe­cial evening of rem­i­nisc­ing and poet­ry with spe­cial guests Rob TuwhareCil­la McQueen and Tame Iti in con­ver­sa­tion with Jeanette Wikaira from the Tuwhare Trust and joined by guest poets and artists, Tracey TawhiaoAti Teepa and Man­a­ia Tuwhare-Hoani.

This is a great pho­to from the evening, of Man­a­ia Tuwhare-Hoani per­form­ing her poet­ry for her Great Grand­fa­ther. It was a spe­cial evening.

Very spe­cial thanks to DPAG for mak­ing this event pos­si­ble and for their on-going sup­port of the Tuwhare Trust.

Nga mihi mahana.


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Hone Tuwhare and Ralph Hotere were good friends; their inde­pen­dent artis­tic careers unit­ed by a shared con­cern for human rights and injus­tice.  There was a mutu­al respect and moments of cross-pol­li­na­tion between the work of each. Hotere drew on Tuwhare’s poems in sev­er­al of his paint­ings, also con­tribut­ing cov­er designs for a num­ber of Tuwhare’s vol­umes of poet­ry.  In 1970 Tuwhare released the book Come Rain Hail, which includ­ed the poem Hotere – a reflec­tion on art, friend­ship, time and space. In Novem­ber 2020 the Dunedin Pub­lic Art Gallery opened the exhi­bi­tion RALPH HOTERE: ATETE (to resist) and pub­lished the poem Hotere on the Gallery’s BIG WALL

Tuwhare Trustees Rob Tuwhare and Jeanette Wikaira attend­ed the exhi­bi­tion open­ing, it was a very spe­cial evening and a breath­tak­ing exhibition.

Pho­to: Hone Tuwhare and Ralph Hotere. Pho­to­graph by Gil Han­ly. Pri­vate Collection.

Dunedin Public Art Gallery: Restoring Hone Tuwhare’s Crib

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On Thursday 29 October | 5:30 PM — 6:30 PM Jeanette Wikaira, Chair of the Tuwhare Trust will give a talk at the Dunedin Public Art Gallery about the journey of restoring the Tuwhare Crib at Kaka Point. 

Jeanette Wikaira, Chair of the Hone Tuwhare Char­i­ta­ble Trust, will talk about the restora­tion of Tuwhare’s crib at Kaka Point and the Trust’s hopes in devel­op­ing the new writ­ers’ and artists’ res­i­den­cy cel­e­brat­ing the ‘people’s poet’ Hone Tuwhare (1922–2008).

Image Cred­it: Hone Tuwhare out­side his crib at Kaka Point. Pho­to cour­tesy of the Ota­go Dai­ly Times.

Tuwhare Foyer Exhibition at the Hocken Collections

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For Hone’s 98th birth­day, staff at the Hock­en Col­lec­tions have curat­ed an inti­mate lit­tle hari huri tau exhi­bi­tion. The exhi­bi­tion is in the foy­er of the Hock­en, you can lis­ten to Hone read­ing his poems from No Ordi­nary Sun, and see his many beau­ti­ful, pub­lished works on dis­play until Sat­ur­day 7 Novem­ber. Thank you, Hock­en Collections!

Contacting us…

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If you want to get in touch with the Hone Tuwhare Trust, please email

All copy­right and pub­lish­ing rights for Hone Tuwhare poems are held by Rob Tuwhare on behalf of the Estate of Hone Tuwhare. For per­mis­sion to reprint, per­form, or dis­play Hone’s work please email

Nga mihi!