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Tuwhare Trust

Tuwhare Trust receives a $100,000 Lottery Grant.

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The Tuwhare Trust is about to get a $100,000 grant from the Envi­ron­ment and Her­itage Lot­tery Com­mit­tee to restore Hone’s crib. The restora­tion work will allow the crib to be used as a res­i­dence for writ­ers and artists — in what will be the first time a res­i­den­cy will be estab­lished in the home and name of a Maori writer.

The trust is delight­ed that we can pre­serve Hone’s for­mer home as a vital first step in devel­op­ing a new writ­ers’ and artists res­i­den­cy. It’s been a few years of hard work by the Trust to raise the funds to ful­ly restore Hone’s crib, but we are now in a posi­tion to con­tin­ue on full steam ahead.

As always, we are so grate­ful for the finan­cial sup­port that allows us to do this very impor­tant work. Hone would be so chuffed, he would def­i­nite­ly be singing a waia­ta about this great news.

Nga mihi mahana. XX


Mitre 10 raises $92,000 for the Hone Tuwhare Trust!

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The gen­eros­i­ty of a Mitre10 char­i­ty auc­tion will con­tribute towards the restora­tion of Hone Tuwhare’s crib.

The mon­ey raised will be used to restore Hone’s crib in Kaka Point and takes the Trust a sig­nif­i­cant step toward achiev­ing its goal of estab­lish­ing the first cre­ative res­i­den­cy in the home and name of a Maori writer and creative.

The Trust is very grate­ful for the gen­eros­i­ty of Mitre 10, as it will enable us to under­take much need­ed repairs and main­te­nance on Hone’s crib. Mitre 10’s com­mit­ment to build­ing is a good fit with the Trust’s com­mit­ment to build­ing a sus­tain­able cre­ative future for New Zealand.” 

The auc­tion is a reg­u­lar fea­ture of the annu­al Mitre 10 Awards Night, which was held at the Lang­ham Hotel in Auck­land on 23 July 2015 fol­low­ing a 2‑day trade expo.

This is a big mile­stone for the Tuwhare Trust, and we are so very thank­ful for the support.

Nga mihi mahana. XX

Breaking ground at the Tuwhare crib — and so it begins…

By News

A cer­e­mo­ny held on Sun­day Novem­ber 9, 2014, at the Tuwhare Crib in Kaka Point, marked the begin­ning of the Tuwhare Trust’s work to restore Hone Tuwhare’s crib.

Gov­er­nor-Gen­er­al Sir Jer­ry Mateparae, patron of the Hone Tuwhare Char­i­ta­ble Trust, made his first ever vis­it to Kaka Point to break ground on the restora­tion project that will ulti­mate­ly be the first Maori res­i­den­cy to be estab­lished in the home and name of a Maori writer.

Sir Jer­ry said he was pleased to be a part of ”giv­ing peo­ple the oppor­tu­ni­ty to come here and sit and con­tem­plate” and engage in cre­ative pursuits.

The Tuwhare Trust was joined by Te Runan­ga o Otak­ou’s Kau­mat­ua, Edward Elli­son, whanau and friends of the Trust and mem­bers of the Kaka Point Community.

Fol­low­ing the break­ing of the ground at the crib, the Trust’s next task is to com­plete the fea­si­bil­i­ty study and con­ser­va­tion plan that will guide our work on the crib, the re-build and restora­tion of the crib will then start as we focus on trans­form­ing the crib into a res­i­den­cy and the con­ver­sion of Hone’s back shed behind the crib into a stu­dio. The Trust plans to begin this work in the com­ing months. Excit­ing times and so it begins…

Nga mihi mahana ki a koutou. XX


Images: Top to bottom.

1. Edward Elli­son and Gov­er­nor Gen­er­al Sir Jer­ry Mateparae.

2. Edward Elli­son, Gov­er­nor Gen­er­al Sir Jer­ry Mateparae, Jeanette Wikaira (Tuwhare Trust) and Rob Tuwhare (Tuwhare Trust).

3. Rob Tuwhare and Gov­er­nor Gen­er­al Sir Jer­ry Mateparae, hav­ing a giggle.

4. Rob Tuwhare, Stan Scott (Tuwhare Trustee) and Gov­er­nor Gen­er­al Sir Jer­ry Mateparae break­ing ground at Hone’s crib.