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Literary Lifelines

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Pouhere Taon­ga — Her­itage New Zealand has a sto­ry about the Tuwhare Crib and Res­i­den­cy in their sum­mer 2024 edi­tion of the Her­itage New Zealand mag­a­zine. Lit­er­ary Life­lines is about the spe­cial res­i­den­cies held in the homes of NZ writ­ers. The arti­cle also fea­tures the Robert Lord Res­i­den­cy in Dunedin, the Shad­bolt House in West Auck­land and the Ran­dell Cot­tage in Wellington.

” Res­i­den­cies pro­vide writ­ers with peace, qui­et and unin­ter­rupt­ed time to work but, those held in authors’ his­toric homes offer some­thing more — con­nec­tions to the cre­ative wairua housed with­in their walls”

You can read the dig­i­tal edi­tion of Her­itage New Zealand here.

Tuwhare Trust receives a $100,000 Lottery Grant.

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The Tuwhare Trust is about to get a $100,000 grant from the Envi­ron­ment and Her­itage Lot­tery Com­mit­tee to restore Hone’s crib. The restora­tion work will allow the crib to be used as a res­i­dence for writ­ers and artists — in what will be the first time a res­i­den­cy will be estab­lished in the home and name of a Maori writer.

The trust is delight­ed that we can pre­serve Hone’s for­mer home as a vital first step in devel­op­ing a new writ­ers’ and artists res­i­den­cy. It’s been a few years of hard work by the Trust to raise the funds to ful­ly restore Hone’s crib, but we are now in a posi­tion to con­tin­ue on full steam ahead.

As always, we are so grate­ful for the finan­cial sup­port that allows us to do this very impor­tant work. Hone would be so chuffed, he would def­i­nite­ly be singing a waia­ta about this great news.

Nga mihi mahana. XX